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10 Common mistakes building your OKRs


Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) have become a popular goal-setting framework used by organizations worldwide. When implemented effectively, OKRs can align teams, foster a results-driven culture, and drive meaningful progress toward strategic objectives. However, like any other strategy, there are pitfalls that can hinder their effectiveness. In this blog post, we will discuss some common mistakes to avoid when implementing OKRs, helping you maximize the impact and achieve success.

  • Lack of Coordination:

One of the fundamental principles of OKRs is alignment. Each objective should contribute to the overarching goals of the organization. However, a common mistake is failing to align OKRs at different levels, resulting in disjointed efforts and conflicting priorities. To avoid this, it is crucial to establish a clear hierarchy of objectives, ensuring that every team and individual understands how their OKRs tie into the broader organizational goals.

  • Overly Ambitious Objectives:

Setting ambitious objectives is essential for driving growth and innovation. However, being overly ambitious can lead to frustration and demotivation. When defining objectives, it’s crucial to strike the right balance between aspirational and achievable goals. Objectives should make the team’s capabilities go the extra mile while remaining within the realm of possibility. Unrealistic objectives can create a sense of failure, leading to decreased morale and diminished productivity.

  • Neglecting Key Results:

Key Results are the measurable outcomes that indicate progress toward objectives. A common mistake is to focus solely on setting objectives while neglecting the key results. Without clear and measurable key results, objectives become vague and challenging to evaluate. Ensure that each objective is accompanied by specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) key results. Regularly track and update these key results to monitor progress effectively.

  • Lack of Communication and Transparency:

OKRs should not be isolated within individual teams or departments. Transparent communication is essential to foster collaboration and shared understanding across the organization. When OKRs are not openly shared, teams may work in silos, duplicating efforts or missing opportunities for synergy. Create a culture of open communication where teams can regularly discuss their OKRs, share progress updates, and seek feedback and support.

  • Inflexibility and Lack of Adaptability:

Business landscapes are dynamic, and priorities can shift rapidly. OKRs should not be set in stone for an entire year without any room for adjustments. A common mistake is to approach OKRs with a rigid mindset, resisting change even when circumstances demand it. Regularly review and reassess OKRs, allowing for flexibility to adapt to changing market conditions, emerging opportunities, or unforeseen challenges. This ensures that OKRs remain relevant and continue to drive meaningful outcomes.

  • Misdirected impacts on the overall performance:

OKRs are not just a performance evaluation tool; they should also align with incentives and rewards. If incentives are not aligned with the desired outcomes, it can lead to unintended consequences. For example, if individual performance evaluations solely focus on achieving personal OKRs, collaboration and teamwork may suffer. Ensure that incentives and recognition programs reinforce behaviors that support collective success and collaboration across teams.

  • Disconnection between Objectives, Key Results, and Initiatives:

Objectives define the overarching goals, key results measure the progress towards those goals, and initiatives are the specific actions or projects undertaken to achieve the key results. A common mistake is a lack of alignment and clarity between these three components, which can lead to confusion and misdirected efforts.

For example, suppose an objective is to “Increase customer satisfaction.” The key results associated with this objective should be measurable outcomes that indicate progress, such as “Achieve a Net Promoter Score (NPS) of 9 or higher” or “Reduce customer churn rate by 15%.” However, the mistake occurs when the initiatives chosen to achieve these key results do not directly contribute to the objective.

Continuing with the above example, let’s say the team responsible for customer satisfaction decides to focus on reducing response time to customer inquiries as an initiative. While improving response time may have its merits, it may not directly impact the NPS or customer churn rate, which are the key results tied to the objective. This misalignment can lead to wasted resources and efforts on initiatives that do not drive the desired outcomes.

To avoid this domino effect, it’s crucial to ensure that initiatives are clearly linked to the key results, which, in turn, align with the overall objectives. Every initiative should have a logical connection to the key results, directly contributing to their achievement. Regularly reviewing and reassessing the alignment between objectives, key results, and initiatives helps maintain focus and ensures that efforts are directed toward the desired outcomes.

  • Lack of Measurable Key Results:

Key results play a vital role in tracking progress and providing a clear indication of success. However, a common mistake is setting vague or immeasurable key results. When key results lack specificity, it becomes difficult to assess progress and make data-driven decisions.

For instance, suppose an objective is to “Improve employee engagement.” The key result associated with this objective should be measurable, such as “Increase employee engagement survey scores by 10%.” This key result provides a specific metric against which progress can be evaluated. However, a mistake would be to define a key result like “Enhance employee happiness,” which lacks a clear measure of success.

To avoid this mistake, ensure that each key result is specific, measurable, and quantifiable. Use concrete metrics, percentages, numbers, or qualitative measurements that can be tracked and evaluated objectively. This enables teams to gauge their progress accurately and make necessary adjustments to achieve the desired outcomes.

  • Lack of Balance in Key Results:

Another mistake that organizations make when implementing OKRs is an imbalance in key results. Key results should cover a range of important areas and not focus solely on one aspect. Failing to achieve a balanced set of key results can lead to a skewed focus and neglected areas that are critical for overall success.

For example, let’s consider an objective related to sales performance. A balanced set of key results would include metrics such as “Increase revenue by 20%,” “Acquire 100 new customers,” and “Improve customer retention rate by 15%.” This combination of key results covers aspects of revenue growth, customer acquisition, and customer retention, ensuring a comprehensive approach to sales performance.

However, a mistake would be to have all key results centered solely around revenue growth, neglecting customer acquisition and retention. This can lead to a narrow focus on short-term gains without considering the long-term sustainability of the business.

To avoid this mistake, carefully consider the different dimensions that contribute to the success of the objective and set a balanced set of key results that cover those dimensions. This ensures a holistic approach and avoids overemphasis on a single aspect at the expense of the others. Regularly review the key results to ensure they are balanced and aligned with the overall objective, making adjustments as needed.

  • Mismatch between Initiatives and Key Results:

Initiatives are the specific actions or projects undertaken to achieve the key results. However, a common mistake is a misalignment between initiatives and the desired key results. This misalignment can result in wasted efforts and resources on initiatives that do not directly contribute to the achievement of key results.

For example, suppose a key result is to “Increase website traffic by 25%.” In this case, an aligned initiative would be to “Optimize website content for search engines and implement a content marketing strategy.” However, a mistake would be to focus on an initiative like “Redesign the company logo,” which may not directly impact website traffic.

To avoid this mistake, ensure that initiatives are strategically chosen to support the achievement of key results. Each initiative should have a clear and direct connection to the associated key result. Regularly evaluate the alignment between initiatives and key results, revisiting and realigning when necessary.


It goes without saying OKRs can be a powerful approach to drive progress, alignment, and results within an organization. But at the same time, it’s crucial to avoid common mistakes that can hinder their effectiveness. By addressing the mistakes discussed in this blog post, you can ensure a more successful OKR implementation.

Remember, effective OKRs require clear alignment, measurable key results, balanced focus, and strategic alignment between initiatives and key results. Regularly review, communicate, and adapt your OKRs as needed to reflect changes in the business environment and keep them relevant and impactful.

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